About Leslie

Passionate.  Loving.  Enthusiastic.  Humorous.  Creative.  Loyal.  Dedicated.

That's me : )

I'm a late-20-something woman, who is aspiring to be someone and something amazing and unforgettable. 

I currently work as a Community Relations Coordinator/Marketing Manager for Boston Pizza.  My position requires me to be out in the community of Orleans and surrounding areas, ensuring that our restaurant gives back to the community we reside in. 

As a person outside of my work life, I'm all of the words above.  I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I'm addicted to Twitter (@leslielscott), Facebook is my vice, I swear I check it at least 30 times a day.  I have a sweet spot on our living room couch, in which I'm sure you could see my rear end imprinted into the cushion. 

I have the most influential, wonderful man-friend (a la Carrie in SATC) Ryan, who is my heart & soul.  We met in college, and 4 years later, we started dating.  We're now together an amazing 5 years, and my life wouldn't be the same without him.  With a single glance, he makes my heart go thump-thump, like he did the first time he smiled at me, when they were calling our names out in college registration.

I am blessed with an amazing family.  Mom, Dad, brother & sister, along with a gorgeous niece and handsome nephew, who are continously making me laugh every time I see them.
I'm also blessed with having fabulous "in-laws".  Ryan's sisters are 2 of my very best friends, and Ryan's niece and nephew are simply lights in my life.

I believe in fate and destiny, and that everything happens for a reason.  I believe that prayer works in ways that one cannot describe.  I believe that everyone has a guardian angel watching over them.

Enjoy learning about The Life of Leslie through my eyes.  I promise to make it worthwhile.