Thursday, February 18, 2010


Mmmmmm...Pepsi...Coca-Cola...Iced Tea....7-Up...

I love Pop.

I work in a restaurant.

We get to drink pop for free.

I eat 4 meals a week at the restaurant.

I usually have one+ pop with my lunch.

Ryan & I sometimes order dinner, which comes with pop.

I love the taste.

I love the bubbles.

I drink a can in no time at all.

I weigh...........................165lbs.

This is silly.

I am not okay with this.

I have given up pop for Lent.

40 days.

No pop.

I'm on Day #2.

(Insert panicky craving here)

I can do this.

No pop for 40 days.

Send help.


Rebecca said...

omg how are you surviving? I try not to have one everyday, but really, it's very hard. Defn have it many times a week though!!

Lara said...

oooh. how's it going??