Friday, July 9, 2010


Cancer sucks.

As many of you know, my Dad has been dealing with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer for almost a year now.  While he has done Chemo & Radition, surgery, followed by more Chemo, he still has a long road of recovery ahead, starting with his reversal surgery sometime this year.

He's a strong man.  And Kevin, Sarah and I have all been angry, sad, depressed, but at the same time hopeful, optimistic, and joyful for all of his accomplishments with his treatments.

We all grouped together and did the June 2010 Relay for Life in Lombardy, which some of you donated your hard-earned dollars to, and our team raised $3200.  Amazing.

Ryan & I have taken quite an interest in doing our part to help find a cure for cancer.  So when we were beating the 2010 Ottawa heatwave yesterday at the mall, we came across these shirts:

They are being featured at Sport Chek stores all across Canada for $29.99 plus taxes, and a portion of proceeds are going to the Livestrong campaign, helping conquer cancer.

If it's one small thing I can do that will help cure this disease that has taken the lives of too many, I'll do it.
There are also other colors (pink, white, blue) and some great running shorts, and Livestrong shoes!

What have you done to help make cancer history?

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