Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something Special

There's something special about his smile. About the way he laughs. About the way he randomly starts to dance in the living room. About the way he says my name. About the way he steals the heart of every woman in the matter of 2 seconds with his way of saying "Hi!".

Yup, that's Noa.

I'm fortunate enough to be "Auntie Laelae" to Ryan's 1st nephew, Noa. He's 2.5 years old, and has been putting a smile on my face since before he was born.

This little guy is so full of light & energy, you cannot help but be captured by his every breath. The day he was born, Ryan & I were so excited for this little miracle, our little nephew to be. We were so fortunate to be the first ones to meet Noa (except for Nana) and we were just speechless. Ryan was told, when meeting Noa for the first time, that he was in fact, Ryan's godson, and was named after him. Noa Ryan. (I knew months before hehe)

Ever since that moment, the little blue-eyed, red-haired, Baby Noa, has been a breath of life into all of us. His heart never stops loving. He is simply Noa. There aren't enough words to describe this little boy.

Love you Nozies xoxox

Auntie Laelae

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