Thursday, January 28, 2010

Adventures in Leslie-Land

I've always been a busy person.

Growing up, I took dance classes, horseback riding, church choir, acted in school plays, and played every sport I could possibly play (nearly driving my mother to insanity with afternoon practices). I also babysat as much as I could, was a member prom committee, co-op'ed at the radio station, tutored math, and worked at the local gas station.

I have tried in previous years to not do as much, but hey, I love being busy!

I've been quite busy in the past year and a half with my job as Community Relations Coordinator for Boston Pizza Orleans, but for once in my life, I LOOOOVE what I do! It's such a fantastic job for me, and I've gained so much knowledge, in work, life and gained many skills!

Today, I took a leap into a new world. I will now be blogging for Best Tools for Schools, a company in Ottawa! I will be blogging about healthy menu choices for kids while dining out. I'm so very excited about this! With my BP background, I've gained quite a bit of knowledge on nutrition (not that I always practice what I preach, but hey, I did lose 12lbs working in a restaurant..figure that one out)

My blog starts next Tuesday at I look forward to sharing with you!

My life just reached that blissfully busy thing that I love :)

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