Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I've recently been exposed to comments of hurt and betrayal, and bullying from a member of my birth father's immediate family. (I'm adopted) Years ago, I was fortunate enough to find my birth father, his wife, and two half sisters. I created a relationship with each of them, and was happy to have them in my life.

There have been times where I've been accused of not coming down enough (they live in New York State) and times that I have not been in consistent contact. Many times, I've felt like it was my fault that they were upset with me.

On Sunday morning, I was exposed to hurtful, and cowardly comments on Facebook from one family member to a friend. I retalliated, ending my so-called relationship with them, because I'm just so tired of being bullied and accused.
This led me to think of what family really is. Blood only goes so far.

Take for instance my brother & sister. Kevin & I are both adopted and Sarah is biological. Blood or not, these 2 are my brother & sister, and have been my entire life. (I was adopted at 2.5 months old) I sometimes tease Sarah about her being adopted, as she's fairskinned & blonde and Kevin & I are dark haired, dark skinned.

My parents are my parents. I have my father's caring nature, putting others before myself, and my mother's heart, love, and humor.

My cousins are my cousins. We all grew up together, and we all have a certain trait in the other. My closest cousin, Brady, is 2 months younger than me, and we've been the best of friends since we were little. He is always one of the first people I tell good or bad news to.

Now, take Ryan's family. His 2 sisters, Jennifer & Jessica, are two of the sweetest, most loving & caring women I know. They are part of my family, regardless if Ryan & I are married or not, I think of these ladies as my sisters-in-law.

My niece Jayda? She could be my daughter. Full of energy, love for music and laughter, and looks so much like me for someone who isn't blood related.

Karson, Noa & Evaly - nieces & nephews through & through. I have a special bond with each & every one of them. My life would not be complete without their love.

My best friend Kelly...I miss her so. She lives in Brantford, so I only see her once a year usually. But Kelly, she's my family. She knows me better than I know myself, and just seems to know when I need an email, or a Facebook message that will make me laugh. Kelly will always be a sister to me.

I refuse to let anyone tell me that family is strictly people who are blood related to you. I have more real family than I have blood.

I love my real family, every single member of it, through & through, regardless of how we are related or not.

Who do you count as your family?

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