Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Things

I've had writer's block for a few days now, under my friend Rebecca @bitofmomsense suggested my 5 Fave Things I Own, so I took her idea and decided to go with The 5 Things I Can't Live Without (Minus Kids & Technology)

I took to my Twitter friends to ask them what their 5 things were...some made me laugh, some made me "awww.." and some were very repetitive! (including chocolate)

Here's what some answered (remember, no kids & no technology!)

  • @decorateddesign chapstick, comfy shoes, a book to read, earrings and coffee

  • @WhiteHaute coffee, smashbox lip gloss, concealer, cereal and jeans

  • @mommy2jl Do running shoes (or my entire shoe collection), my comfy jogging pants, heavenly hash, library card & a comfy sundress count?

  • @ottawamom hubby, dishwasher, chocolate, wine and magazines

  • @Bonnie_Rymel My hubby, my BFF, my car, my hair flat iron & hummus (Following tweet was: Oops need to add tea in that list. If necessary replace hummus with tea. It's my lifeline)

  • @AnnBac9 Family, ice caps, chocolate, friends...this is really tough!

  • @LaurieStJ 5 things...intellect, sense of humour, sense of adventure, enthusiasm, compassion :)

  • @bitofmomsense coffee, chocolate, pjs, lipgloss/chapstick

  • @KikiThornton 1. Mascara, 2. Lip Gloss, 3. Books, 4. Friends & family, 5. Writing mechanisms ... (pen/paper/anything!)

  • @designbyblend My pocket knife, my boo bear (What? I'm a sensitive guy!), eggs, my pantone swatch book & my glasses. How's that for variety?

Some of my Facebook friends have said "hugs, dog, music, coffee, clean undies (haha) books, and of course, sex". (I have some funny Facebook friends)

My turn, my turn!

(you better still be reading...)

  • Ryan.

(There are no real words I can use to describe Ryan. You just have to know his loving nature, his crooked smile, his eyes that can melt you with a glance, his heart...his love would get me through anything)

  • Ice Cream.

(Those of who you have read previous blogs, tweets, facebook status updates, you'll know that my one food I couldn't live without, is ice cream. Sooooo tasty!)

  • My pictures.

(Pictures are worth 1000 words, full of memories I won't remember without them, love, laughter, tears, good times & bad, they have captured moments of my life

  • Music.

(In Cozumel last year, there was one CD that played 3 songs on shuffle, and although I had to hear "Everlasting Love, and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for a week straight, I was still happy to have some music playing!)

  • My Bed.

(I love sleep, I love curling up with a book, music, Ryan or just Hodge (he's my bear...) and have that moment of serenity that is just the bed holding me, and releasing my tension from the day, it's a comfort thing)


Best comment ever though goes to Jen Butson (@jenbutson)

JenButson @leslielscott I'll also say Gerard Butler in case we go to an island we need to repopulate.

If you didn't get a chance to comment, I'd love to know what 5 things you couldn't live without, minus your kids and technology, comment away, and have fun :)

Leslie xo


Unknown said...


1. Caffeine - no real preference of delivery system

2. Family (these are in no particular order, btw)

3. My cope of Richard Bach's "Illusions"

4. Sunglasses (I cannot stand squinting)

5. My puffy vest. (It's like a security blanket fit for public consumption).

Loukia said...

Nice! The things I can't live without?

My children.
My makeup.
My music.
My LV!

I'm so boring right now!